diablonet.net Frontpages

For years the simple black and white classic Diablonet page greeted visitors to the site. As the focus of the project changed from the computer museum, unix help and free shell acocunts to one of a group of people associated with the Kalamazoo area producing "blogs, art and projects," this page fell by the wayside to newer designs.

[Classic Diablonet]

Sean Caron created a vertical arrangement of rave flyers for the Summer 2002 layout.

[Summer 2002]

The Beige Page was the result of Sean's disenchantment with trying to make æsthetically pleasing artsy front pages.

[The Beige Page]

In Winter 2003 graphics returned with an Alice in Wonderland LSD blotter, but information was sparse, and the member directory dissappeared.

“‘Let’s pretend the glass has got all soft like gauze, so that we can get through. Why, it’s turning into a sort of mist now, I declare! It’ll be easy enough to get through—’ She was up on the chimney‐piece while she said this, though she hardly knew how she had got there. And certainly the glass WAS beginning to melt away, just like a bright silvery mist.”

—Lewis Carrol, Through the Looking‐Glass and What Alice Found There (Mineola, NY: Dover, 1999), 4–5.

[Winter 2003]

Spring 2003 heralded the triumphant return of the member directory.

[Spring 2003]

Sean Caron created a vertical arrangement of found images for the Summer 2003 layout.

[Summer 2003]

For Winter 2004, Sean flipped the layout to horizontal and added some colored squares. The layout declares we are "always funky always fresh diablonet.net," as well as "celebrating five years of eccentric web hosting 1999–2004."

[Winter 2004]

Summer 2004 features a photograph of the Allied Paper powerhouse, both taken and modified by Sean Caron. The image identifies the website as "the retina to the mind's eye, diablonet hosting for blogs, art, and projects since 1999."

[Summer 2004]

Winter 2005 identifies diablonet.net as "A Mild Delicate Web Project Since 1998" and contains an original image by Charles Mercadal based on a Dunhill Early Morning Pipe Tobacco tin.

[Winter 2005]

Summer 2005 featured an engraving by Gustav Doré to illustrate Canto VII, lines 65–67 of Inferno by Dante Allighari. It was modified by Matt Slack to declare that Diablonet.net has been "Pushing Forward since 1998."

“Not all the gold that is beneath the moon,
Or ever hath been, of these toil‐worn souls
might purchase rest for one.”

[Summer 2005]

Winter 2006 features a minimalist design by Sean Caron with a moped photograph attributed to Lisa Gavan.

[Winter 2006]

Sean's design for the Spring 2006 page.

[Spring 2006]

At some point in the Autumn of 2006, Sean changed the front page to this photo and text.

[Autumn 2006]

A design by Charles, from Spring 2007, with pictograms from a book on the history of the Plains states.

[Spring 2007]