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Received Comments

Here's some of the great comments you've written us. Sometimes I have no clue what they're talking about. Then again, sometimes I do, and I really wish I didn't.

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Received Comments

Name : terry urquhart

Comment : being the principal here at loy norrix high school, i find this show the very epitome of fine television programming. the talented teens are engaging and charming every week. my family and i spend our quality time watching ztv and its reruns. party on danj and party on charles mercadel. [sic]

Name : Mel F.

Comment : Hey ZTV, I caught your show on Friday. Is that Dan Jones the same one who goes to Norrix? I saw him hosting and his name on the credits. He's a hottie. Where can I get his phone number?

Name : CrimsonZero, King of Llamas

Comment : Ur show is rockstar,man. I dunno any of your names or anything, coz i just dont pay attention, but hey, does it matter? Anyway so.. that guy, who sang the song on the funny school stories show? Psycho. Yah, so...I'm the king of llamas where i come from. Turtles too. Turtles are so cute and furry...

Name : Kira Elisabet Johannsen

Comment : Jeg elsker Z-TV! Jeg trenger Œ kØss Dan! Hadet!!! - Kira

Name : Tatiana

Comment : I'am new to this country. Memories of my native russia are still burning in my breast. The one consilation I have found in this wasteland (Kalamazoo) is the Ztv show. It comes on in the house of my host family. Chanseler is strong like bull, and rugged like russian man. He would be good genetic stock (I'am biology major) and I wish to meet him. please to give this message to him for me-

Chanshelor, you have eye's like the sun, blazing and penetrating, legs are so strong, you must swim, yes? I wish to meet you SOooooo bad! please to meet me for coffee sometime? I teach you russian customs, you teach me american ones....

Name : spysGIRLZrawk

Comment : omigod, i like totally wish i lived in kalamazoo because i checked out the people page, and i would really like to check out "dan". he sounds really smart and i read somewhere else on the page that he was a god or something. like, i could marry him and then i would be a goddess or something. haha, like, i have a snowboard at home and it has goddess written on it. i mean, i really don't snowboard or anything, like, there was this guy that i really liked and he likes snowboards so my parents bought me one and its pink and really cool but it just sits in my corner becasue i can't really snowboard...so anyway, dan, i love you.

Name: Kelly

Comment: Briana is my sister and I think its a really cool show.

Name: Nigel E. Peterman

Comment: You guys are sooooooooo totally awesome. Isn't it so HOT that I am actually writing to you? I feel so cool to be able to watch your show (even though I am not in Kalamazoo)! My bestest friends in Kalamazoo, Terry and Chris, tape your show every week and send it to me at my home in Melbourne, Australia! Isn't that HOT?! I watch your show, and I eat english muffins with butter and Marmite slathered all over it! Sometimes during the really exciting scenes with THOSE HOTTIES Chauncey and Ross, I will get so WOUND UP with laughter that I spill Marmite all over my muscular, hairless chest and stomach! Isn't that SOOOO COOL!! I just laugh and laugh!!! I wish I could be on your show!!! Will you read my letter on your show?!?! I want everyone to know how big a fan I am! Someday I am going to fly all the way to Kalamazoo, and I will stop by to see you, okay? We make plans to go out and eat after the show, and we can go swimming afterwards! Would not that be terrific? I hope Chauncey will be there!! I hope my friends Terry and Chris will mail you in the future! PLEASE read my letter!!!

Name : Tammie

Comment : Hi! I'm Tammie! First off, I really think that Charles is hot!! And, being bi, I'd also like Brianna. Ouch! I'd make her ( and him) see God. Chansler is quite a dish. I'd give him what for. Ztv rocks! Bye! [Slightly edited to keep our low RSAC rating...]

shana's gone that really breaks my heart... cause she was all about pj harvey and i liked pj harvey too. i mean who doesn't like pj harvey but shana had a passion for pj just like me. well that is all i have to say for now... rock on shana... rock on pj harvey... and rock on me

ps. long live ztv

Though I thoroughly enjoy all of the different hosts on the show, I would have to say my favorite is Nick Lucking. Why do I say this, because we all know of course that he is canadian. Whenever there is a canadian on camera you cant help but watch. For example, Jim Carrey is a canadian, and he is so funny you have to watch. The same goes for Mike Myers, another canandian. Whenever I see Adam Sandler I have to watch because hes funny, hes not Canadian, but hes funny. Who can forget, Pamela Anderson, another canadian. Sure shes not funny, but she has other assets that our important to television viewing. The point Im trying to make is that Nick is Canadian, and canadians bring a certain charisma to the screen. Thats why I enjoy watchin Nick "eh" Lucking the most. Because hes canadian.

Name: JiveTurkey

Comment: Just wanted to congratulate you all on your outstanding show. Your collective sarcastic wit combined with brilliant artistic talents bring a refreshing and edgy program that can not be duplicated anywhere else. The interactive format in which the program brings fascinating viewer commentary coupled with superior host anaylsis deserves nothing short of unbridled praise. You are all rising stars bound to reshape the way we look at television. Godspeed.

Name: G. Bouthillier

Comment: The Open Mike show just might be the worst that Canadian TV has ever produced. Mike Bullard is a complete idiot. There is a limit to arrogance; he shouldn't try to outdo Letterman because he is far from having his intelligence and he should try to be just a bit more respectful with his guests that have a lot more to say than he does...He probably has a big audience with fratboys and beer bellied rednecks. I don't know who else would find him funny...I watch all the other night shows. Bullard is an imbecile. The show should be called Close Minded Mike Sorry, but I had to say it.

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